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AAGA sets plans for 2020 'City Open'

NORTH ATTLEBORO - The Attleboro Area Golf Association’s annual “City Open” championship will take place, as scheduled, the weekend of August 18 through the 22.


The restrictions put in place to stem the spread of COVID-19 forced the AAGA to postpone the association’s annual Senior Championship and cancel the annual June clinic and July championship for juniors.


Co-Presidents’ Bobby Beach and Bob Gay are guests on this week's edition of “Inside Look.” They explained the difficulties of running tournaments in the age of COVID and the decision to move ahead with the Open.


That edition of "Inside Look" is currently running on North TV's Community Channel: Comcast 15 and Verizon 24. You can also stream the program to watch anytime on any device by becoming a North TV Insider - a FREE service to all North Attleboro and Plainville cable subscribers. Non-subscribers can register at a cost of $2.99 per month (minimum of three months).


Click below to stream the co-presidents' interview with North TV: