Test 3

Borg updates seniors on center plans

NORTH ATTLEBORO - One day after his plan to move the senior center to the former Allen Avenue School building received preliminary approval from the town council, Town Manager Michael Borg provided details to seniors.

Under Borg's plan, the senior center, veterans’ services and Lenore’s Pantry would be moved to the former school after it goes through extensive renovations. The town manager's presentation took place Tuesday morning at the current senior center on Elm Street.

Click the video below to stream highlights of Borg's presentation and questions from seniors in attendance.

Tuesday’s presentation at the senior center can be seen in its entirety through Thursday on North TV’s Government Channel: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23.

Click here to view the times it can be seen:


You can also watch a stream of that meeting by clicking here:
