Test 3

Election for new Tri-County on Tuesday

FRANKLIN - Unless you’re a regular viewer of North TV or subscribe to The Sun Chronicle you probably wouldn’t know there’s a special election on Tuesday that will either result in a debt exclusion raising your property taxes or decrease the services you receive.

Franklin's Tri-County Regional Technical Vocational School is seeking funding for a new building to replace the current structure.

State law requires polls for the special election be open for four to eight hours, so polls will open at noon and close at 8 p.m. at all of Tri-County’s 11 communities.

The outcome will be based on the popular vote of all 11 communities.

Even if a town overwhelmingly votes no, for example, if the total vote from the 11 towns is positive, residents in the community that voted no would be responsible for their share of the cost.

North TV spoke to Tri-County School Superintendent Karen Maguire about the election and the project.

Click the video below to stream a portion of that interview.

North Attleboro residents will cast ballots in the high school gymnasium and Plainville voters will cast ballots in the public safety building behind town hall.

That interview can be seen in its entirety on North TV’s Government and Plainville channels: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23 in North Attleboro and Comcat channel 8 in Plainville.

Check out the times by clicking here:



“Inside Look: Tri-County School Superintendent Karen Maguire” is also available on the Plainville Channel page of the North TV website, North TV’s Facebook page and North TV’s YouTube channel.