Test 3

NAED ready for stormy weather

NORTH ATTLEBORO - Winter storms are not only an issue for town officials, especially those who work for the department of public works, the staff at North Attleborough Electric also keeps an eye on the weather to make sure they are always ready to respond if inclement weather results in loss of power.

NAED General Manager Peter Schiffman spoke to North TV about the preparations the town's electric company makes in advance of an oncoming storm.

Click the video below to stream his comments.

The entire interview with Schiffman can be seen as part of "The North Attleborough Electric Show: Winter Edition" premiering this coming Friday, January 26 on our North TV's Community Channel: Comcast channel 15 and Verizon channel 24 and Government Channel: Comcast channel 98 and Verizon channel 23.

The program will also stream on community.northtv.net and government.northtv.net for North TV Insiders.