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Plainville Channel

Plainville Comcast 8

Our Plainville Channel offers exclusive coverage of government meetings, events, specials, access programs and original shows for and about the residents of Plainville.


Plainville Comcast 8

Chairman's Report

The chairman of Plainville's select board sits down with North TV's Peter Gay quarterly to discuss the town's top issues.

Historical Commission

The Plainville Historical Commission consists of volunteers to Identify, Evaluate and Protect the Historical and Archaeological Assets of the town.

Inside Look

Join North TV Executive Director Peter Gay as he sits down with local guests to talk important events taking place in the area.

Keep Plainville Beautiful

The Keep Plainville Beautiful board meets to discuss cleanup and restoration projects to uphold the natural and eye-catching beauty of Plainville.

King Philip High School

Stay up to date with everything happening with King Philip High School.

North TV's Election Coverage

Meet the candidates, get expert analysis, and discover live election results with North TV's exclusive Election Coverage.

One on One with Candidates

North TV Executive Director conducts one-on-one interviews with candidates in advance of Plainville town elections.

Plainville Board of Assessors

This elected three-member board is assigned with accurately and fairly assessing all property in at full and fair cash value following the guidelines provided by the Massachusetts Bureau of Local Assessment.

Plainville Board of Health

The Board of Health is responsible for protecting public health in our community. This means to control disease, promote sanitary living and working conditions, and protect the environment from disease and pollution.

Plainville Board of Selectmen


The three-member Select Board serves as the administrative branch of Plainville's town government. They meet at town hall on the first and third Mondays of the month.

Plainville Building Committee

The Permanent Building & Maintenance Committee oversees current and future town-owned buildings.

Plainville Candidate Debates

North TV hosts debates between candidates in all contested races in advance of all local elections.

Plainville Chairman's Report

The chairman of Plainville's select board sits down with North TV's Peter Gay quarterly to discuss the town's top issues.

Plainville Conservation Commission

The role of the Conservation Commission is to administer and enforce the MA Wetlands Protection Act and the Plainville Wetlands Protection Bylaw. The Commission is also charged with managing Town-owned conservation land.

Plainville Cultural Council

The Plainville Cultural Council is sponsored by the Massachusetts Cultural Council to advance creativity and quality of life in the town.

Plainville Events

Plainville is proud to host events that showcase the wonderful citizens of the town.

Plainville Finance Committee

The Finance Committee's primary statutory responsibility is to advise and make recommendations to Town Meeting on the budget and other financial matters. The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing the proposed budgets and is also charged with submitting written recommendations to Town Meeting on all financial warrant articles.

Plainville Historical Commission

The mission of the Plainville Historical Commission is to protect and preserve the community’s historical assets for the education, enjoyment, and benefit of current and future generations. The Commission will promote the inventory, preservation, accessibility, and research of our indispensable historical resources.

Plainville Housing Authority

The Plainville Housing Authority is a State-aided Public Housing Agency which provides housing for low-income elderly and persons with disabilities.

Plainville Library Trustees

The Plainville Board of Library Trustees convenes to discuss budget updates, programming, and upcoming and unexpected business that occurs at the town public library.

Plainville Master Plan

The Plainville Comprehensive Plan will take a look at aspects of community life and government to make positive changes over the next 5 to 10 years.

Plainville Park Commission

The Plainville Parks Commission is an elected (three-year term) Board that governs all policies, rules, and regulations for Plainville's active and passive recreational resources. 

Plainville Planning Board

The Planning Board issues special permits and development permits required by the zoning bylaws, subdivision, and "Form A" plan approvals required by the subdivision control law, as well as performing master planning to ensure the welfare of the community as a whole.

Plainville Preservation Commission

The Community Preservation Committee shall study the needs, possibilities and resources of the Town regarding community preservation

Plainville Preservation Commission

The Community Preservation Committee shall study the needs, possibilities and resources of the Town regarding community preservation.

Plainville School Committee

The five elected members of The Plainville School Committee share a commitment to providing an academically challenging and socially responsible, cost effective educational program that enables our children to fully develop their minds and bodies.

Plainville Select Board

The three-member Select Board serves as the administrative branch of Plainville's town government. They meet at town hall on the first and third Mondays of the month.

Plainville Special Programming

Tune in for special events happening right in Plainville.

Plainville Taxation Aid Committee

The Taxation Aid Committee's mission is to provide aid to low-income elderly and disabled residents to defray the costs of their property taxes. Funds consist solely of donations from generous residents, businesses and community groups who can help those in need. 

Plainville Town Meetings

Occasionally, the town of Plainville will hold a special town meeting outside of their normal meeting hours to address the town directly on changes being made to the town and for special public voting processes.

Plainville Zoning Board

The Zoning Board of Appeals issues special permits and variances where required by zoning.  The Board also issues comprehensive permits for 40B projects.

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Planning Board

The Planning Board conducts meetings and public hearings in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws to review and consider subdivision plans, plans to construct and abandon paper streets, Approval Not Required (Form A) plans, site plans, and certain sp

Sold on Local

Join Lori Seavey and Caron Shores of the Lori Seavey Realty Team as they interview local businesses in and around the North Attleboro area for a unique behind the scenes look!

Story Time

Listen to classic stories in this fun read along segment, narrated by Jared Ware.

Town Administrator's Report

Town Administrator Jen Thompson keeps you informed on everything happening at Town Hall.

Tri-County Regional

Stay up to date with all the events going on at Tri-County Regional.

Tri-County Regional

Stay up to date with all the events going on at Tri-County Regional.

Tri-County School Committee

School Committee members meet at the beginning of each month to discuss matters pertaining to Tri-County Regional High School.

Veterans Advisory Committee

The Veteran's Advisory Committee oversees the various events and facilities dedicated to local veterans.

Veterans Advisory Committee

The Veteran's Advisory Committee oversees the various events and facilities dedicated to local veterans.

Veterans Forum

Veterans Agent Rebecca Jennings sits down to talk with various veteran associates and former military members in town to keep the veteran community informed on everything going on.